October 2017 - Russ Miura 3rd Degree BB Promotion
by Maxamilian Demian on Oct 23, 2017
Last Saturday before toe KFL amateur MMA fights, there was a surprise party at Russ Miura's gym for his 10-year anniversary as a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt. He was also a year overdue for his 3rd degree on his BB, so Chris Brennan came along to present him with that as well. There's not too much to talk about, but a LOT of people showed up and rolling + tacos = always a good time!
Russ Miura is one of the 3 people that I always list when it came to training partners that elevated my Jiu Jitsu to the next level when I was coming up. Russ Miura, Rani Yahya & Bao Quach. Getting to train with them for fights/competitions for long periods of time as a blue/purple belt made me that much better and I am lucky to have had them around. Russ is also the only one of those 3 that doubled as one of my coaches. Congrats Russ!